The Re-Fitness Focus

As some may know, I’ve been into fitness for a while now (since 2010). CrossFit was a big TO DO on my list. 😊 I was in the best shape of my life and felt good. But what’s different now….I’m revisiting my journey and becoming healthy in the process. It wasn’t until moving back to Texas, I decided it was time to take my life back. I turned to ALL foods for comfort, this was not good for my health. From the loss of loosing my twins (2015), to my acoustic neuroma brain surgery I had to have to save my life (2016), and to loosing my baby girl to save my life or stop lifelong complications, Rylee, at 22 weeks (due to severe pre-eclampsia, March 18, 2017), I needed a break through. ☹️ I felt very broken and at my lowest point for a while but GOD. 🙌

In 2018, I finally decided it was time to not only workout but eat myself back to healthy. I was at my heaviest weight. I started making baby steps on my food choices. (Example: Instead of drinking soda and juice all day, I would make myself drink at least 1-2 cups of water a day. 😂🤷‍♀️) It was a struggle because I craved my sodas all day. It’s said that it takes 21 consistent days to break a habit. I totally believe it. I can now drink my required amount of water everyday without drinking sodas at all. Don’t get me wrong, every now and then I will drink no more than half of soda when I crave it (never a whole one because of the burn 🙈). In the meantime, I still struggled because I was lifting more weights but not doing enough cardio to jump start loosing more body fat. I finally discovered HIIT (high intensity interval training) cardio. 😍 This type of cardio worked for me because I would get bored doing traditional cardio and quit. With the HIIT movements, it’s a different feeling. I love it!!! I do HIIT cardio 2-3 times a week and HIIT weight training 3 times a week (5 days a week, sometimes 6 when I’m in town).

As of today, I’ve lost 30 lbs., eating healthier, healthier being, and enjoying life to the fullest with my amazing husband. Consistency is the key! If you are on your fitness journey and struggling with results, don’t give up. I promise you will see change. Your ideal weight loss should be (not everyone because everyone is different and have different goals) .5 – 1 lb a week. The slower the weight comes off, the better the results should be to keep it off. 💢 I will share what works for me. And yes I still enjoy some of the not-so-good for you foods I love from time to time. 🤟 #journeycontinues

Signing off,

Ray Marks ✨ #putyourmarksonfitness

Published by Ray Marks

I’m a wife (Sen’Derrick), angel mom (Rylee), step mom (Jade), dog mom (Teddy Bear), and live by faith! 🙌 God is good, all the time.

4 thoughts on “The Re-Fitness Focus

  1. I’ve watched your fitness journey online and in person. You’re beautiful inside and out! I’ve known you most of your life. Thank you for allowing me to follow you on your journey. It really helps me to try to stay focused with my own fitness. I’m trying little by little and not going to give up because of inspirations like you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a journey!!!This is so motivating and inspiring. I love hearing fitness struggles and accomplishments. It’s a reminder that nothing can stop you if you truly want it. I’m resetting my mind and restarting my journey. This definitely helps! Looking forward to more from this blog.

    Liked by 1 person

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